Original Sin and Human Ontology Part 2
Author: Pastor John Smith
September 15, 2020
This concept of Original Sin and Human Ontology is mind boggling to me! As I sit at my desk and toss the idea back and forward in my head I just thought that someone who is reading may not understand exactly what I am saying, so let me explain. Original sin deals with the origin of the sin nature in mankind and ontology brings into focus how that event and its ensuing consequences relate to the individual and his/her characteristics and behaviors including humanity as a whole. I am saying, that because I have a sin nature that I inherited from Adam and Eve it has affected me profoundly from within and without. I informed everyone yesterday that I am corrupted profoundly and encased by my intentional rebellion against the decrees/laws of God.
That corruption of sin has caused me to be debased outside of my standing in Christ. Although I try everyday all day long to handle things in a manner that brings the most glory to God as possible out of my existence in a world that desperately needs Him, I constantly fail to treat everyone like Christ would have me to treat them. I self-promote in ways that bring dishonor to His name as I seek my agenda instead of His. Sometimes, when I am repenting of sins that I have committed I find myself repenting in a proudful way and for that I am sorrowfully repentant as the Scripture demands and often it is accompanied with tears. I am attempting to show a realistic view of sin in the life of every man! The prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 64:6 that all of our Righteousnesses are filthy rags (literally menstrual rags). I do realize that we live in a day and age with spiritual giants but all of us are corrupted at our core! I also realize that many of the Lord’s people struggle with such a realistic view of the debilitating affects and effects of the sin nature but nevertheless, it is absolutely true! Ontologically speaking there is not one area of our life as humans that has not and is not being profoundly affected by sin.
The dismal nature of this would be overwhelming if I did not also come into contact with the Grace of God! One of the reasons that God’s grace stands out so dramatically to me is because I see the backdrop of the nature of sin as a wall painting in my life that forever reminds me that when I deserved death, God gave me life! He came that He might give me an abundant life! I know everyone wants to talk about the grace of God but the truth is, unless you understand sin and its devastating effects you will never understand grace! Lord please help me this day to understand the darkness and evil of sin so that I can bask in Your grace today! - John