March 28, 2022

In recent days, I have been observing and contemplating the way Christ-followers live in a world that is increasingly hostile to the essential beliefs and their unique societal interactions. Let me begin today’s dialogue by suggesting that as Christ-followers we are not disconnected from those who are not Christ-followers, after all, we have some family members who do not feel the same way that we do about Christ, we have some childhood friends who do not feel the same way that we do about Christ, we work alongside of individuals in a multiplicity of job or career choices who do not feel the same way about Christ. Moreover, it has been my experience that if I keep silent about my Judeo-Christian beliefs concerning various cultural mores, I appear to be a good guy. It has consistently amazed me that if I appear to measure up to the expectations of those who do not follow Christ, they believe that I am a good Christian. Well, what do they expect?

First, they expect me to be congenial toward them no matter what unacceptable behavior they present; by unacceptable I mean any immoral behavior that they present, ranging from lying and manipulating to sexual promiscuity to the murder of 40 million innocent lives of the unborn “caged” under the deceit of freedom of choice. Not only am I to be this happy go lucky kind of fellow when it comes to the acceptance of their behavior because after all Christianity should be lived out inside the enclosure of a church building or at the most inside of a small group Bible study amongst ourselves. The moment that Christ-followers decide to live their faith out loud in the public square we are quickly informed that morality cannot be legislated, however, in many ways, those who do not follow Christ are attempting to inculcate the culture we doctrines, such as, live your own truth, be accepting of any thought that anyone may present as representing their truth. I have attempted many times to explain to pre Christ-followers that by the mere fact of being a Christ-follower it mandates that I engage society at all levels as I publicly live out my belief system. The truth is that even non-Christ followers live their belief system out loud, whether it is how they try to influence legislation or how they attempt to promote their beliefs inside the educational system of my country, yes, I said it, my country. A country that has the Judeo-Christian belief system embedded in the core of its judicial system, its healthcare system (as it relates to mankind being created in the image of God, yes the God of the Christian faith unapologetically), the educational system (as it relates to the dignity and value of all mankind), the concept of family (although there is an effort to dismantle the traditional definition of marriage as a man and a woman being united in holy matrimony).

Dr. D. James Kennedy has written a book entitled, “What if Jesus had never been born.” His assertions in the book are true and verifiable that many of the modern stabilities of society would not exist if it was not for the divine convictions of individuals that the one and true God afforded them the opportunity to take care of the orphans, to stop killing those with disabilities, to protect women from overly aggressive men, to hold men accountable for their actions, to end the horrors of slavery, and so forth.

Now, I beg the question, why does society in general desire for the Christ follower to live out their faith silently? I believe that there are several reasons; when the Christ follower publicly lives out their faith it highlights their encoded differences and this makes the non-Christ follower upset because they feel that it is a judgment against them, also when their faith is lived out publicly it decries the fact that any God other than the Christian God is incoherent with rational belief and that the Christ follower is stating by their very existence that it is unacceptable to believe in any other God, and finally, when the Christ follower lives out their faith publicly the non-Christ follower has a fear that their lifestyle is in jeopardy if the Christ follower is left unchecked.  

Now, to a more positive aspect of how then should we live in light of all of this; the Christ follower should live in such a way that their neighbors cannot deny their great love for them because it is shown in a plethora of practical ways, the Christ follower should intentionally be involved in activities that even the non-Christ follower can embrace, such as, community development projects, the Christ follower should purposefully attempt to be involved in the social aspects of communal living and not be an isolationist. I challenge Christ followers to live their faith out loud in the public arena with the love of Christ being shown and extended to those who do not feel the same way that they do about Christ, even if it does make some uncomfortable. Like I said before, I have relatives that do not believe like I do concerning Christ but I still go to family gatherings and laugh and play and enjoy their company while I still live unapologetically Christian. Like I said, I have coworkers that do not believe like I do concerning Christ but I still go to work and laugh and play and encourage and work while I still live unapologetically Christian. It is my intention to live for Christ regardless to what others say or do and to do it with integrity and honor toward the one who has called me into the wonderful world of His grace as I seek to know Him as He knows me! How wonderful it is to be loved by Him. See ya tomorrow!


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