Can Mankind Help Himself Without the Assistance of God
Author: Pastor John Smith
September 13, 2021
This concept of anthropodicy has been burning in my heart
for the last week or so. Initially I was trying to revisit the concept of
anthropodicy and define its meaning linguistically I've had a lot of success in
doing so. The term anthropodicy has been defined in almost every place in the
same way, meaning, that it deals with the idea that mankind has been enabled by
his nature to be able to solve problems and issues they come in his environment
without be assistance our intervention of God. On the surface that appears to
be a great thing, because after all we're told how much we can be of assistance
in changing our world. That's why we have individuals going into the social
sciences as career markers and pathways. In the southern United States where I
live, we are told to pick up ourselves by own bootstraps. We are also told when
we come into somewhat of a confrontation or dilemma that we need to cowboy up.
I don't know what you were told in the world that you're living in about how
you can improve the situation that you're in or others are in but I'm sure
you're told similar things. On the surface, as I stated before this does appear
to be factual that we can improve our environment. However, the last part of
that premise is without the assistance of God. That's what caught my attention
that there are some who believe that we can improve our environment without the
assistance of God. That we can have sheer tenacity of will and accomplish
amazing things. upon examination disappears to be at theological affirmation
more than it is a social construct. Just a few weeks ago I reread Martin Luther’s
book on the Bondage of the Will, where in, he sets forth the idea that no man's
will is free. It is either bound by the viciousness of a fallen human nature or
bound by the Spirit of God. If it is true that mankind fell in the garden with
Adam and Eve, then it was a profound fall that affected mankind in every single
arena; emotionally, mentally, and physically. I assert this morning that the
profundity of the fall of man has affected him in such a way that he cannot
help himself without the assistance of God. If all of mankind that does not
know Christ is bound by the power of sin in a profound manner, then logically
it must be the case that he's unable to assist himself. He must rely on a
personality that has not been bound by the profundity of sin. That means that
no one who is the product of a sin nature can help him in and of himself. This
is a theological issue concerning the extent of the fall of mankind. You may
ask, John, are you certain of this position because I've seen others help
individuals who are struggling mentally, socially, physically, and emotionally,
through various methods, such as, counseling, medication, rehabilitation, etc.
Yes, it is true that we do see people helping people, but the question at hand
is whether they can do it without the assistance of God or his intervention.
That's the question that we must answer. I assert that we cannot without the
assistance of God. I believe that God must break into our world with his divine
power an alleviate the impairment associated with the fall of man. I believe
that men can be helped but the help must come from God. You say that God uses
people and I say, yes, He does! I believe the Scriptures when they say that
every good gift comes from God. God empowers or enables men through His unseen
Spirit to alleviate the sufferings or maladies of their fellows through a
multiplicity of pathways. So, join me this week as I explore the concept of